Prayer Points

Give Thanks:

Praise be to God for he is in control and sovereign over all.

Praise God for all his blessings keeping us safe, in good health, roof over our head, food to eat, clothes to wear.

Give thanks for all who are involved in our services on Sunday.

Pray for:

Rev Mark Haugh in his role as minister of Waringstown Presbyterian.

The Elders in their oversight of the church.

The Congregational Committee as they carry out their duties.

Suzie Parkes who is doing an amazing job as our Children’s & Family worker.

The team who are looking after our teenagers.

All of our church organisations and those who lead them.

For Pamela and Brian working diligently behind the scenes.

Our missionaries throughout the world.

For those who find themselves in a hard place.

Grieving families who have lost loved ones.

For those suffering physically with illness or mentally with depression/anxiety.

For those who can’t be physically present with us in fellowship.

Always remembering the prodigals.

For persecuted Christian’s all over the world.

Loved ones who need our Saviour and Salvation.

Pray for the leaders of our country – for wisdom in decision making.

That we stay focused on the things that are important.