
The matter of giving is fundamentally about our response to the Lord and our relationship with Him. We glorify God when we take seriously the counsel of Proverbs 3:9 to “honour the Lord with your wealth…” And we get the Lord and our giving into proper perspective when we can affirm with King David – “Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand…” (I Chronicles 29:14)

We should give because God’s word commands it, because the grace of Christ commends it and because the reality of a lost and needy world demands it.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (II Corinthians 9:6-7)

If you would like to learn more about our understanding of giving then please click here for further information put together by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

What am I Giving to?

At Waringstown Presbyterian we encourage our church family to give to a variety of funds, each with their own focus:

  • Number 1 Account – this is the main church account for all church ministry, staff and running costs. We would encourage most of our giving to be directed to this account, (to be a voting member, as per PCI code, you must contribute to this account).
  • Mission Support Fund – this account supports local and overseas mission.
  • New Build Fund – this account supports the church re-development plans.

How to Give Regularly

You can give to church in a variety ways as outlined below.


Weekly envelopes are available by contacting the Church Office.  This is also the first step for getting a Weekly Freewill Offering (WFO) number.*

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Waringstown Presbyterian Church’.

Standing Order / Bank Transfer

To set up regular giving contact the church office for more information.  You will need to have a WFO number.

Gift Aid

This allows us to claim an additional 25% on what you gift if you are a UK Taxpayer. If you’d like to make a declaration we would love to help you!

Annual Appeals

Harvest Appeal

Each year at our Harvest Services in the Autumn we give thanks for God’s abundant blessing and respond with lavish generosity by lifting a special offering that is dedicated towards a specific need. In recent years this appeal has been directed towards mission in Tuum, Kenya, the work of Exodus in Romania and the building of new church facilities.

United Appeal

Mission is at the heart of the entire ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. That’s why United Appeal is so important. It brings together resources including prayer and financial giving, to help support PCI’s work not just across Ireland, but globally as well.
From witnessing to local communities and helping through social action to training our leaders and working in partnership with other churches around the world, the United Appeal helps to keep mission at the core of PCI values.